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Electronics Installation

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technician in maypen clarendon

Your vehicle deserves the best

we provide Camera installment

Get more security for your home and business

We install and repair camera systems

Power saw for sale in maypen clarendon

Power Saw and more electrical tools

cheap electrical for sale in maypen clarendow Jamaica

Electrical drills for reasonable price


Upgrade to keyless ignition

Never worry where you put your car keys again


We build custom sound basses

Come with your Vehicle and we handle the set up 100% hassle free.

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About Us 28A WEST PARK ave, Maypen Clarendon


  • Electrical & Mechanical Tools
  • Plumbing Fixtures & Fittings
  • Electrical Fixtures & Fittings
  • Doors,Toilets,Face Basins etc


  • Sand
  • Grit
  • Cement
  • Steel
  • Windows etc
  • Doors
  • Blocks
  • Tiles
  • Toilets
  • Face Basins etc

Copper Electronics and Hardwares has turned many bad days into good days with quick solutions. Where we strive to provide hassle free services to our customers. Our employees are competent and hardworking which gets the job done in the quickest and most efficient way.

Your time is money and we value it as much as your order therefore we want you to recieve your order as soon as possible.

Your time is money and we value it as much as your order.

We have excellent customer support call us open hours

We have excellent customer support call us open hours.



Call this number (876)454-9844 to order Sand, Grit, Steel, Cement


This is our electronics store number you can call and check if we have what you need.
Office tel: (876)631-2975


This is our hardware store number call this number and make your contruction enquiry. tel:(876)837-8766